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We support your change journey through co-designing the change, facilitating decision making, meetings, off-sites, and team gatherings.  We also offer online or in-person facilitating change courses.


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Mapping the current state of play

Defining a compelling vision

Bring your change to life

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We create a bespoke offer for your project or business to facilitate your change journey.  We work with you and your team to define the current state of play, co-create a compelling vision and determine the levers for change.  Our facilitation methods ensure an inclusive process levering systems thinking and design thinking.  We leverage liberating structures and other collaboration techniques that best serve your project or business and its culture.


4 week online workshops

Work on your own change case

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Leading change is difficult. And doing so across a large company or organisation gets that much harder. Oftentimes this can stem from an inability to see the full picture, complexity, and set of relationships that make up a current system.  And if you want to change them, you have to take a systemic approach: understanding complex relationships across multiple parts, people’s mental models, and even the ways that you (the change leader) might be invested in keeping the status quo.  In this introductory workshop, you’ll have an opportunity to learn about and identify the foundational elements of systems change and systems leadership, practice key systems change methods and apply then to your work, identify & plan for your further growth as a systems leader, and begin to engage in a wider systems change leadership learning community.  

In this month-long virtual course, in collaboration with Voltage Control, you’ll have the opportunity to learn, practice, and apply key systems leadership approaches to your work across weekly class sessions and practical application opportunities.


Course details

This course will be activity-based, with a mixture of mini-lecture, practical method application, and collaborative sessions. You’ll not only learn the concepts and principles, the why and how of systems leadership, you’ll also get to practice the methods in a safe space. We won’t just talk at you ; you’ll learn through doing, work with other participants, and get feedback. You will be asked to bring your current personal or professional examples of changes you want to make into the workshop, so you come away with a greater understanding and an action plan on how to change your system. There will be plenty of time for Q&A and opportunities to engage with your facilitators around the specifics of your change

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